Paintball vs. Airsoft: Which Hurts More?

  • Updated July 16th, 2024

A common question that arises for those considering these sports is, “Which hurts more: paintball or airsoft?” In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the factors that determine the pain and impact of both sports, including the projectiles used, velocity, protective gear, and individual pain thresholds. By examining these elements, we aim to provide a balanced and detailed comparison to help you decide which sport aligns best with your preferences and pain tolerance.

People Playing Paintball

Which Hurts More: Paintball or Airsoft?

Paintball generally hurts more than airsoft due to higher impact energy. Paintballs are larger and heavier, typically causing more noticeable pain and potential bruising. Airsoft BBs are smaller and lighter, causing sharper, more localized pain. Both sports can be enjoyed safely with appropriate protective gear.

The Basics: Paintball and Airsoft Projectiles

Paintball Projectiles

Paintball markers (guns) use spherical capsules filled with colored liquid, known as paintballs. The outer shell of a paintball is typically made from gelatin, which breaks upon impact, releasing the paint fill. Paintballs are available in different calibers, with .68 being the most common. The impact of a paintball is a combination of the velocity and surface area of the spherical projectile.

Airsoft Projectiles

Airsoft guns fire plastic BBs (ball bullets) as projectiles. These BBs come in various sizes, with 6mm being the most standard size. Unlike paintballs, airsoft BBs do not break upon impact but are small, solid plastic pellets. The impact of an airsoft BB depends on its velocity, size, and weight.


Velocity and Impact Energy

The velocity at which projectiles travel directly influences the force of impact. Both paintball and airsoft guns have adjustable velocities, but the general velocity ranges differ between the two sports.

Paintball Velocity

In regulated paintball fields, the maximum allowable velocity of a paintball marker is often capped at 280 to 300 feet per second (fps). This limitation is primarily for safety reasons, as higher velocities can cause more significant injuries and increase the risk of dangerous accidents.

Airsoft Velocity

The velocity of airsoft guns can vary widely, depending on the type of gun, modifications, and local regulations. In many countries, the standard airsoft velocity limit is around 350 to 400 fps for automatic guns (AEGs) and up to 550 fps for bolt-action sniper rifles. However, some airsoft fields may impose lower velocity limits, especially for close-quarters combat scenarios.


Impact Energy Calculation

To compare the impact energy of paintballs and airsoft BBs, we can use the formula for kinetic energy (KE):

KE = 0.5 * m * v^2

where m is the mass of the projectile (in kilograms) and v is the velocity (in meters per second).

Using this formula, we can determine the impact energy for both .68 caliber paintballs and 6mm airsoft BBs at their typical maximum velocities.

Paintball Impact Energy

Assuming a standard paintball mass of 3 grams (0.003 kilograms) and a velocity of 300 fps (approximately 91 meters per second):

KE = 0.5 * 0.003 * (91)^2 = 12.36 joules

Airsoft Impact Energy

For airsoft BBs, let’s assume a standard BB mass of 0.2 grams (0.0002 kilograms) and a velocity of 400 fps (approximately 122 meters per second):

KE = 0.5 * 0.0002 * (122)^2 = 1.48 joules

Comparing the impact energies, we can see that paintballs have a significantly higher impact energy than airsoft BBs. The impact energy of paintballs is approximately 12.36 joules, while airsoft BBs have an impact energy of about 1.48 joules.


Protective Gear and Pain Tolerance

The level of protective gear worn by players also influences the perception of pain during both paintball and airsoft games. Additionally, individual pain tolerance varies from person to person, making the experience subjective.

Paintball Protective Gear

Paintball players typically wear a paintball mask or goggles that provide full-face protection, including the eyes, ears, and mouth. The mask’s thick and padded design helps absorb some of the impact energy from paintballs, reducing the sensation of pain. Additionally, players often wear layers of clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, and gloves, to minimize direct contact with the skin and further cushion impacts.

Airsoft Protective Gear

Airsoft players also wear protective gear, but the level of coverage can vary. Full-face masks or goggles are standard for eye protection, but players may opt for lower-face mesh masks or half-face masks that leave the lower portion of the face exposed. The level of body protection, such as tactical vests, plate carriers, and clothing, depends on personal preference and the intensity of the gameplay.


Perceived Pain and Bruising

Perceived pain from paintball and airsoft impacts can vary due to the factors mentioned above. The larger surface area and higher impact energy of paintballs can lead to a more noticeable sensation of pain upon impact, especially on exposed skin.

Paintballs are more likely to cause visible bruises, especially when fired at close range or with higher velocities. However, the paintball’s gelatin shell helps distribute the impact energy upon contact, reducing the risk of severe bruising or injuries.

On the other hand, airsoft BBs may cause a sharper and more localized sensation of pain, especially when hitting sensitive areas like exposed skin or close to bones. While airsoft BBs are less likely to cause visible bruises, they can still leave small welts or red marks, particularly when shot at close range or with high velocities.


Factors Influencing Pain Perception

Several factors can influence the perception of pain during paintball and airsoft games:

1. Location of Impact

The area of the body where the projectile strikes can significantly impact the sensation of pain. Shots to bony areas or sensitive regions may cause more discomfort regardless of the projectile’s impact energy.

2. Distance and Velocity

Closer shots and higher velocities can intensify the pain experienced by the player. Players should always adhere to the designated engagement distances set by the field or event organizers.

3. Protective Gear

As mentioned earlier, the level of protective gear worn by players can affect how much of the impact energy is absorbed and mitigated, influencing the perceived pain.

4. Pain Tolerance

Individual pain tolerance varies from person to person. Some players may perceive the impacts as more painful, while others may find them less bothersome.

Final Thoughts: Pain Is Subjective

Ultimately, the question of whether paintball or airsoft hurts more is subjective and depends on various factors. Paintball generally has higher impact energy due to the larger and heavier projectiles, making the sensation of pain more noticeable upon impact. However, the use of protective gear can significantly reduce the perceived pain and risk of injury.

Airsoft, while having lower impact energy, can still cause localized discomfort, especially when shots are close or hit sensitive areas. Like paintball, wearing appropriate protective gear can help minimize the sensation of pain and reduce the risk of injury.

Both paintball and airsoft offer unique experiences and cater to different preferences, whether it be the thrill of high-impact gameplay in paintball or the tactical and realistic scenarios in airsoft. Ultimately, the choice between the two sports comes down to personal preferences, safety considerations, and the level of adrenaline you seek in your recreational activities.



  1. Paintball Safety – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  2. Airsoft Gun Safety Tips – U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
  3. Paintball and Airsoft Gun Use in Canada- Health Canada
  4. Paintball and Airsoft Safety Regulations – UK Government
  5. Paintball and Airsoft Safety Measures- Australian Government