How Often Do You Need to Refill Your Paintball Tank?

  • Updated July 24th, 2024

Paintball is an adrenaline-pumping sport that relies on the power of compressed air or CO2 to propel paintballs from the marker. The air tank, also known as the paintball tank, is a crucial component of the marker that holds the propellant. As you engage in paintball games, one question that often arises is, “How often do you need to refill your paintball tank?”

Short Answer: The frequency of refilling your paintball tank depends on the type of tank, its size, and your play style. Generally, CO2 tanks (12 oz, 20 oz, 24 oz) provide 300-800 shots per fill, while HPA tanks (48 ci, 68 ci, 72 ci at 3000 PSI or 4500 PSI) offer 500-1400 shots per fill.

How Often Do You Need to Refill Your Paintball Tank?

Understanding Paintball Air Tanks

Paintball air tanks are available in two main types: CO2 tanks and high-pressure air (HPA) tanks. Each type of tank operates differently, and the frequency of refills may vary between the two.

1. CO2 Tanks

CO2 (carbon dioxide) tanks are one of the most common types of paintball air tanks. They use liquid CO2 that expands into gas when released, propelling the paintballs from the marker.


  • Affordability: CO2 tanks are generally more affordable than HPA tanks.
  • Ease of Refilling: CO2 can be refilled at many locations, including sporting goods stores, paintball fields, and some welding supply shops.


  • Inconsistent Performance: CO2 tanks can produce inconsistent pressure, especially in extreme temperatures. This inconsistency may affect the velocity and accuracy of your shots.
  • Limited Shots Per Fill: CO2 tanks provide fewer shots per fill compared to HPA tanks of the same size.

2. High-Pressure Air (HPA) Tanks

HPA tanks, also known as compressed air tanks, use compressed air to propel the paintballs. The air inside the tank is usually pressurized to 3000 or 4500 PSI (pounds per square inch).


  • Consistency: HPA tanks offer more consistent pressure, resulting in better marker performance and more accurate shots.
  • More Shots Per Fill: HPA tanks provide more shots per fill compared to CO2 tanks of the same size.


  • Higher Cost: HPA tanks are generally more expensive than CO2 tanks.
  • Refill Locations: While HPA tanks can be refilled at paintball fields and some sporting goods stores, they may not be as widely available as CO2 refills.


Factors Affecting Paintball Tank Refills

Several factors influence how often you need to refill your paintball tank during gameplay:

1. Tank Capacity

The capacity of your paintball tank determines how much air it can hold and, consequently, how many shots you can fire before needing a refill. The most common tank sizes are 48 cubic inches (ci), 68 ci, and 72 ci for HPA tanks, while CO2 tanks are typically available in 12 oz, 20 oz, and 24 oz sizes.

Example: If you have a 68 ci HPA tank or a 20 oz CO2 tank, you’ll have more shots available per fill than with a smaller tank.

2. Firing Rate

The firing rate of your marker, measured in balls per second (BPS), significantly impacts the frequency of tank refills. Players who engage in fast-paced gameplay or competitive speedball may shoot more paintballs, depleting their air supply faster than those who play more casually.

Example: A marker firing at 10 BPS will use more air per minute than a marker firing at 5 BPS, requiring more frequent refills.

3. Marker Efficiency

Marker efficiency refers to how efficiently the marker uses the compressed air or CO2 to propel the paintballs. Some markers are more efficient, using less air per shot, while others are less efficient, using more air.

Example: An efficient marker may require fewer air tank refills than a less efficient marker when shooting the same number of paintballs.

4. Temperature

Temperature plays a significant role in the performance of CO2 tanks. In cold weather, the liquid CO2 can struggle to expand into gas, resulting in decreased pressure and fewer shots per fill.

Example: If you play paintball in cold conditions, you may need more frequent CO2 tank refills due to reduced efficiency.

5. Playing Style

Your playing style and strategy also affect the frequency of tank refills. Aggressive players who engage in frequent firefights may deplete their air supply faster than players who adopt a more conservative approach.

Example: Players who prefer to conserve ammunition and take strategic shots will require fewer tank refills than players who continuously engage in rapid-fire exchanges.


Estimating Shots Per Fill

Estimating the number of shots you can get per tank fill can help you plan your gameplay and manage your air supply effectively. While individual factors vary, you can use the following general guidelines to estimate shots per fill:

1. CO2 Tanks

  • 12 oz CO2 Tank: Approximately 300 to 400 shots per fill
  • 20 oz CO2 Tank: Approximately 500 to 700 shots per fill
  • 24 oz CO2 Tank: Approximately 600 to 800 shots per fill

2. HPA Tanks

  • 48 ci HPA Tank (3000 PSI): Approximately 500 to 700 shots per fill
  • 68 ci HPA Tank (3000 PSI): Approximately 700 to 1000 shots per fill
  • 68 ci HPA Tank (4500 PSI): Approximately 1000 to 1400 shots per fill
  • 72 ci HPA Tank (3000 PSI): Approximately 800 to 1100 shots per fill

Keep in mind that these estimates can vary based on the factors mentioned earlier, such as firing rate, marker efficiency, temperature, and playing style.


Tips for Efficient Tank Refills

To make the most of your air tank during gameplay and minimize interruptions for refills, consider the following tips:

1. Monitor Your Tank Pressure

Keep an eye on your tank pressure gauge during gameplay to track how much air you have left. Knowing your tank’s pressure level will help you plan your movements and engagements accordingly.

2. Top Off Your Tank

If you have the opportunity, top off your tank between games or during breaks. Even a partial refill can extend your air supply and ensure you’re ready for the next round.

3. Carry Spare Tanks

If allowed at your paintball field, carrying a spare air tank can be a convenient way to avoid lengthy refill lines and continue playing without interruptions.

4. Conservative Shooting

Practicing conservative shooting can significantly impact the number of shots you get per tank fill. Take strategic shots, conserve your ammunition, and avoid unnecessary firing to extend your air supply.

5. Efficient Markers

Investing in an efficient marker can make a noticeable difference in the number of shots you get per tank fill. Research markers known for their efficiency and performance.


Where to Refill Your Paintball Tank

Knowing where to refill your paintball tank is essential for seamless gameplay. Here are common locations where you can refill your tank:

1. Paintball Fields

Most paintball fields offer air tank refills, either with CO2 or HPA. Some fields may have fill stations on-site, while others may require you to bring your tank to a designated refill area.

2. Paintball Pro Shops

Paintball pro shops and specialty stores often provide air tank refills. They may have specialized filling stations capable of refilling both CO2 and HPA tanks.

3. Sporting Goods Stores

Certain sporting goods stores with paintball departments may offer air tank refills. Call ahead to confirm whether they provide this service and whether they refill CO2 or HPA tanks.

4. Scuba Diving Shops

Some scuba diving shops are equipped to refill high-pressure air tanks, making them a suitable option for HPA tank refills.


Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, how often you need to refill your paintball tank depends on various factors, including the tank’s capacity, your firing rate, marker efficiency, temperature, and playing style. Both CO2 and HPA tanks have their advantages and considerations, with HPA tanks typically providing more shots per fill and greater consistency.

By estimating shots per fill and implementing efficient air management strategies, you can optimize your air supply and enjoy uninterrupted paintball gameplay. Remember to monitor your tank pressure, top off whenever possible, and consider carrying a spare tank if allowed at your paintball field.
